Feb 9 2023

Becoming the Writer You Already Are: Michelle R. Boyd in conversation with Deana Lewis (IRRPP)

Faculty Development - Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy

February 9, 2023

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM


Richard J. Daley Library, Room 1-470


801 S. Morgan St., Chicago, IL 60607, Select

Becoming the Writer You Already Are

Join IRRPP’s Deana Lewis for a conversation with writing coach and former UIC professor, Michelle R. Boyd, focused on helping scholars go from "stuck" to "unstuck" in their writing processes. Dr. Boyd is one of the co-founders of IRRPP’s WriteOut! writing retreats and has coached and mentored hundreds of writers. By working to understand and overcome writing anxieties, Dr. Boyd supports scholars to uncover their unique writing process and design a writing practice that fits how they work.

This is a hybrid event. For those joining us in person, please note that we are requiring masks at the Library space. For those that choose to join us online, we will send you a link to the webinar the day before the event.

Please email us at irrpp@uic.edu with access needs or questions.

About the Series: IRRPP's Faculty Development Program and Emerging Scholars Program supports UIC faculty and graduate students who are doing research on race/ethnicity that has the potential to contribute to policy conversations and actions. In addition to material support, these programs also provide workshops throughout the year to develop faculty and graduate student capacity for policy and public engagement, to foster a strong writing practice, and to shape ongoing research projects.

For access needs or questions, please email us at irrpp@uic.edu.

About the series: Events in the Legacies of Racism Series deepen our understanding of the challenges and possibilities of policy efforts to address longstanding racial inequality. Legacies of Racism events build on the themes from our State of Racial Justice in Chicago reports and explore the recent and historic origins of racial and ethnic inequities and ask questions about what it means to try to repair systematic harm done to people and communities.

Registration is required. Please fill out the field at the original IRRPP event site here.



Date posted

Jan 30, 2023

Date updated

Jan 30, 2023