On The Table Research Reports
IPCE is proud to have served as the research partner for On the Table from 2014-2017. The Institute conducted an in-depth follow up survey of participants each year.
Conversations Matter: Four Years of On the Table Heading link

“This year on May 8, people all over Chicagoland will gather around tables in dining rooms, conference rooms, community centers, restaurants and even in their neighbors’ kitchens for a conversation over a meal or refreshments.
Although I have been involved with The Chicago Community Trust’s On the Table initiative since 2014 I continue to be amazed by the power of a concept so simple—a good conversation with friends, neighbors, colleagues or even strangers over a meal. The Trust estimates that On the Table has drawn together nearly 200,000 people to discuss topics that matter to them. Now an annual tradition, On the Table has become an important part of the civic culture of the Chicago region. . . “
Read the full blog post
About On The Table Heading link

The Chicago Community Trust’s On the Table is an annual forum designed to bring people together to make good things happen. Whether they gather in homes, offices, schools, libraries, restaurants or other spaces, they meet with others to share ideas and explore ways to improve our region. The results are exciting new relationships, elevated civic conversations and genuine pathways toward collaborative action – outcomes that make our communities more connected, resilient and resourceful.