Call for Proposals: Civic Engagement Discourse Fund Awards for FY 2022

The Institute for Policy and Civic Engagement (IPCE) announces the availability of funding to support events that facilitate public discourse on policy issues or the policy implications of university research. Eligible events include public forums, dialogues, town hall meetings, and small conferences or workshops that are either open to public or that target a specific audience such as policy advocates, residents of a specific neighborhood, or a target subpopulation such as seniors or youth. Online events are also eligible.

IPCE Discourse Fund Awards are set at a maximum of $2,000 each. Events must be held by May 31, 2022. Awardees must submit a post-event report summarizing the event and its outcomes, including any media generated by the event, with IPCE. Funds may be used for the cost of the event such as space rental, refreshments for participants, promotional and printed materials, equipment less than $500 in value, and the salaries of research assistants or other staff who support the event. IPCE funding may not be used for scholarships, student stipends, or tuition differentials for students. All award funds must be spent by May 31, 2022.

All UIC faculty and staff of research institutes or centers are eligible to apply. Eligible events must be expected to serve a minimum of 30 attendees. Events that would be attended only by UIC faculty, staff, or students are not eligible. Conferences for membership or professional associations are not eligible. Applications are due January 21, 2022.

The Institute for Policy and Civic Engagement at UIC serves as a catalyst for learning and participatory action in discourse, research, and educational programs.

To download an application, please visit If you have any questions, please contact Norma Ramos at (312) 355-0095 or