Check Out the First “Civic Coffee Chats” Episode of the Year!

We are so excited to present the first installment of our video series Civic Coffee Chats of the new year! This series highlights IPCE staff, researchers, and civic friends’ latest thoughts on policy passions, social trends in civic engagement and public policy, learned lessons, best practices, and hobbies. And, of course, how they take their coffee.

This months Civic Coffee Chat features our Director, Joe Hoereth, PhD. Dr. Hoereth came to UIC in 2004 as the Associate Director of the Great Cities Institute (GCI), bringing a wide range of experience in community development research and evaluation, having previously worked for university research centers, non-profit organizations and private consulting firms. As an independent consult, he conducted research projects on housing and comprehensive community building. He has worked for two private consulting firms, including an urban planning firm specializing in fiscal and economic impact studies for housing developers and a firm conducting research and program evaluation for foundations and non-profits. He has held staff positions at the Center for Urban Research and Learning (CURL) at Loyola University Chicago and the Center for Urban Policy Research (CUPR) at Rutgers University. Additionally, he has authored multiple reports and papers on housing, community economic development, and urban planning.

Follow the link below to watch and learn more about our team here at IPCE!