IPCE Director joins Independent Monitoring team

Joseph K. Hoereth, PhD, is part of the Community Engagement Team for the Independent Monitor.


The Institute for Policy and Civic Engagement (IPCE) at the University of Illinois at Chicago is pleased to announce that Institute Director Joseph K. Hoereth, PhD, is part of the Community Engagement Team on the Schiff Hardin- CNA Independent Monitoring Team led by Maggie Hickey, JD.

Dr. Hoereth will work together with the Community Engagement and Independent Montoring Team to create a comprehensive community engagement strategy that will meaningfully engage Chicago’s communities and ensure their participation throughout the monitoring process.

IPCE, in partnership with UIC’s Survey Research Laboratory (SRL), will also execute the required surveys and community conversations.

IPCE has relevant experience in connecting with Chicago Communities around the topics of in this Consent Decree, having prepared a report on the Consent Decree Community Engagement for the Office of the Attorney General this summer. Read the report: http://bit.ly/consentdecreereport.